Questions, compliments and complaints
Our tenants’ feedback is vital to how we improve and plan our services. If you have any questions, compliments or complaints, please get in touch using the contact details or form below.
Letting us know what has gone well is really helpful as well as good for our team to hear! Equally, if you feel that the service we have provided has fallen short of your expectations, we want to know so that we can put it right.
If possible, we believe it’s best to deal with things straight away. If you have a concern, please raise it with the team member you’re dealing with who will try to resolve it for you. If they can’t, they will explain why and that you can make a formal complaint using the contact details or form below. They can also provide you with a form.
Below is a summary of what to expect when you make a formal complaint. Our full complaints policy can be viewed here and is available on request in Welsh and as audio or large print.
To help us address a complaint:
Please provide us with as much information as possible and copies of any relevant documents or pictures. We’ll need the following details:
- The department or service you are complaining about
- What you think they did wrong, or failed to do
- When you first became aware of the problem
- How this has affected you
- What you think should be done to put things right
- If you have already spoken to one of our team about this matter and, if so, to whom, when and the response you received
How we will address your complaint:
- We will formally acknowledge your concern within 5 working days and tell you who will be dealing with it
- We will ask you for your communication requirements and preferences
- We will set out our understanding of your concerns and ask you to confirm that we’ve got it right
- We will aim to resolve concerns as quickly as possible and normally within 20 working days
- We will be open and honest and, if we have got it wrong, we will always apologise
If you feel we have not successfully resolved your complaint, you can complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales:
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
Pencoed CF35 5LJ
Tel: 0300 790 0203
Fax: 01656 641199
Email: [email protected]
If you need any help giving us a compliment or complaint, please get in touch as we want to make sure everyone is able to provide feedback on our services.

How are we doing?
We love to hear from our tenants and value your feedback on our services.
Leave us a Compliment by filling in the following form
Make a Complaint by filling in the following form
Have a Question? Ask us here